Studying Reiki can facilitate an increase in awareness, spiritual growth, empowerment and managing your own energy.

Reiki Jin Kei Do has three levels of training:


Reiki I

Take a step towards healing yourself and expanding your spiritual growth.
Included in this course is how to do a basic self-treatment, a chakra treatment, and a full-body treatment on others. You will receive a Reiki I attunement.

Reiki II

Reiki II starts three months after Reiki I. This gives time for integration and self-healing.
Included in this course are the reiki symbols and how to use them in healing and in your everyday life as well as how to do a distance healing. You will receive a Reiki II attunement.

Reiki Mastery

Reiki Mastery training starts a year after Reiki II.
Reiki Mastery is taught over a period of a year. Classes are held once a month and are 3 hours long. Practical work as well as additional reading is required. Included in this course are the meridians, how an attunement works and how to give the attunements, the master symbol, and the preparation of your own Reiki manuals. You will receive a Reiki Master attunement.

All Reiki classes are taught online via zoom and distant attunements will be done for each student on the astral plane while in a meditative state.


Each of us has a song inside of us. When we try to please others, react from our wounding, or subconsciously follow limiting or restrictive patterns of behavior we disempower ourselves and are not aware of the words to our own song. We take a few words from different disempowering situations or from those we want to please and then feel a deep sense of disconnect as the song we are singing does not resonate with our truth.

Join me on a journey of releasing words that are not yours, healing wounding and dissolving disempowering patterning while learning the words to your song. Then step into courage and sing your song with an open heart.  

There is something magical about being you

Being able to sing your own song

the song of your heart,

the song of your soul


Don’t be sad because you are different,

because your song sounds like no other

Celebrate it

Together we can sing beauty back into our world

Twelve 4-hour classes make up this workshop. Classes are interactive and experiential. During these classes we will work with:

  • Archetypes of survival and how they impact our behavior and ability to manifest
  • Co-dependency and how we disempower ourselves
  • Responsibility – what is ours and what have we subconsciously taken on
  • Ideal self vs authentic self
  • Intimacy with self and our intimacy avoidance patterns
  • Vulnerability vs weakness
  • Mirroring and how to understand the access and understand the information mirrored to us
  • Expectation and projection
  • Intention, motivation, and manifestation
  • Grounding and connection
  • Defense mechanisms and how I use them to protect my reality
  • Unintegrated shadow aspects and how they are impacting my relationship with self and others
  • Sensitivity, self-nurturing and energy management
Classes run bi-monthly via zoom either during the week or on a Saturday morning.


“The shaman knows that all life is connected, all life is one. We are connected through the air we breathe, through the ground underneath our feet, the water we share that makes up so much of our bodies, and everything else that constitutes this planet and beyond.”

Don Jose Ruiz

Throughout my spiritual journey, I have found profound healing and comfort through my connection with the elements. My relationship with nature continues to lead me deeper into intimacy with myself and assists me to come back to my center and rebalance myself during challenging times. The elements have become beloved mentors and their consistent presence brings me comfort and joy.

If you would like to invite nature into your life and experience the healing and growth in consciousness that working with the elements bring, join me on a journey of discovering the basics of how to connect to and work with each of the elements. Connection to each of the elements is facilitated separately during four three-hour classes per element. During these workshops we will learn about and connect to:



Earth is the foundation of our relationship with the elements. She is our mother and as such provides for all our physical needs, helps balance our physical bodies and aids in the manifestation of abundance.


Water assists us in connecting to our psychic abilities, subconscious mind, creativity, and inner child. She also teaches us how to let go of control and flow with life.


Fire facilitates our expansion and evolution and our connection to our courage and passion.


Air governs communication, wisdom, knowledge, breath, and our state of mind.


Learn how to receive and communicate clear messages from the spiritual realm. During this experiential workshop I will guide you through your psychic senses and teach you how to become receptive to messages from the spiritual realm. This workshop is taught over four three-hour classes.

During these classes you will:

  • Come to understand which of your psychic senses are strongest and how to work with them
  • Start to develop your psychic senses
  • Connect to the elements to enhance your abilities
  • Participate in numerous practical exercises to grow in awareness
  • Channel for a participant
  • Channel a message for the group

For more information

For more information WhatsApp Estelle on +61 414 191 551 or email is